We mainly use fibers from the hemp plant for our composites. The mechanical properties of the end products are equal to those of glass fiber, and in some properties even superior. Our bio-based composites can therefore easily replace the synthetic composite materials used to date in many products.

FUSE UD tapes
represent the basic product with a width of 20 or 40 cm as thermosetting or thermoplastic processable variants. These can be used as a UD layer in the product on the one hand and can also be processed into further semi-finished products for various processing processes on the other. The following semi-finished products can be manufactured on the basis of the FUSE UD tapes.

In addition to the standard manufacturing process for our tapes, we use complementary technologies to expand our portfolio of semi-finished products. This creates a wide range of different application areas for natural fiber composite semi-finished products.

FUSE Micro
Thermoplastic or thermosetting FUSE UD tapes are made into narrow UD tapes and wound onto plate reels. The narrow tapes can be used for pulltrusion or winding processes, or processed into tape fabrics

Thermosetting FUSE UD tapes are laid and sewn in cross-laid fabrics with up to four layers at freely adjustable angles between 0° and 90° with fabric widths of 2.5 m. This means that FUSE semi-finished products can also be used for the production of large components.

FUSE Prepreg
Thermosetting FUSE UD tapes are pre-impregnated with resin and wound onto a spool. This is how we achieve the perfect amount of resin in the tape.

FUSE Woven
Thermoplastic or thermosetting FUSE micro tapes are processed into fabrics and used for applications with high demands on drapability.